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6 thoughts on “About”

  1. Dear Sir,
    Greetings to you in highly exalted name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
    Knowing about your Christian Ministries has made me very glad. We praise God for the tremendous service that has been entrusted you. The visions and goals you have for God’s glory are precious and appreciated. Thank God for the given opportunity for us to be the Co-workers with Christ in God’s field. We pray that you may be richly blessed as you serve the Lord sacrificially.
    May I ask you whether you have a specific God-given vision for India? If yes, let me know that and let us together do something which brings welfare to the Churches in India. You can come and teach us which is most important these days to the Church of God. If you would like to have a visit to India, we will conduct Bible seminar with you. We will receive you with pleasure.
    We would like to work under your ministry banner and in your supervision. Your timely and kind reply is highly appreciated. I will be excited to read the message from you. Thank you
    Yours in His service
    Pastor Simon Alle


  2. Dear Heavenly Father, I miss you friend Eric McDonald.I don’t know where he is nor how he is…Please protect him; keep him safe.Please heal him in spirit, soul, and body…
    Eric needs Jesus-Help Eric to know and believe in Jesus Chris.He needs Jesus:please help Eric to understand Jesus as his savior, his Lord, his reedemer. and as his best friend.Eric needs to know the friendship and love of Jesus….
    Abba Father, you know all Eric’s needs:meet him at the point of all his needs,Please be his answer and his hope…Save him…bless him and love him in the name of Jesus Christ…Amen!!!


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